Wednesday 28 February 2018

Are we setting Oprah up to fail?


Weeks after Oprah’s rousing speech at the 2018 Golden Globes people are still calling on her to run for president and in light of the recent mass shooting at a school in Florida, there seems to be all the more reason for the renewal of these calls for Oprah Winfrey to pledge her campaign in the 2020 elections.

Winfrey took to the podium, reflecting on the ‘Me Too’ campaign, fuelling the strength shared by women who had shared their experiences and encouraging more to do so:

“And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say ‘Me too’ again.”

Whilst her speech was well received, having been shared and talked about by millions, there were those who called on her to step up to the responsibility of President. Twitter accounts have been created, domains have been purchased and promises have been made – all by fans, not by Oprah.

But are we getting ahead of ourselves, and ignoring Oprah’s message in the process?

Oprah has turned down requests time and time again, explaining that as of now she has no plans to run for office and that it is unlikely she would change her mind in the future. Yet this isn’t enough for people. Her role as the face of black female success ultimately side-lines her own explanations as no one really wants to accept the fact that she may not have wanted this to be the outcome of her speech. Instead they cling to the palatable and inspiring character she possesses, believing that no challenge is too demanding for Oprah.


Secondly, rather than listening to what Oprah actually expresses, people are hearing policies when, quite frankly, there are none. Self-claimed political experts have been for some time taking guesses at what her polices might be, though she has given no indication of such policies.

Lastly, as Dahlia Lithwick noted in her piece for Slate, people just took Oprah’s speech and made it about what they wanted it to be about – her speech was never about her, it was about inspiring the American youth.

“The dominant theme I heard was about giving voice to invisible people,” wrote Lithwick.

Her speech wasn’t meant to be perceived as a promise to save America, its purpose was to enlighten the youth watching at home to fight for their beliefs and values, to battle any injustices they may face with the conviction that they will definitely be seen and definitely be heard.

Claiming that this speech serves as an indication and proof that Oprah would be the best fit for America’s next President essentially does a disservice to Oprah and voters.

There is no doubt that Oprah Winfrey is an iconic woman, one who has worked her way up regardless of racism, sexism and prejudice but we cannot immediately propel her into the role of a lifetime.

If she decides to run, and gets elected, the smallest error, or inability to step up to ridiculous standards that have already been set for her – Oprah will fall tragically from the pedestal that she has been forced to stand on and she will have been set up to fail.

Whilst there are those that believe Winfrey is the solution to getting more diversity into the world of politics, surely their efforts are better spent on endorsing black women who already have a place in, and passion for, politics. Why not endorse them?

Yes, it is great to see people regarding black women as capable individuals and Oprah Winfrey is an epitome of strength and resilience but she is not the ‘Trump Antidote’ that everyone wishes for.

Thank you for reading!

1 comment

  1. Thank you for reading!
    No problem
    I loved it, it is so interesting


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