Tuesday 23 July 2019

The group of women that empower me

This is a series dedicated to the efforts made by the women that have inspired me, followed by the outcomes of their actions.

I would like to kick off this series by introducing my readers to a network of women who have made one of the biggest contributions towards my life and my character, and all in less than a year.

In July 2018, four of my closest friends and I, whom I have known for several years, spent a week in Marbella with five other girls, some of which I had never met before or had only spent a limited time with. Initially I had never expected to have the bond with them that I do now.

What may be seen as unique in our situation is that for some of us, we didn’t know each other at all before spending a week abroad together. We’re all also at very different points in our lives. In this group of ten women we range from the ages of 19 to mid-twenties, something that seems at first unlikely but is incredibly invaluable. Whilst some of us are studying at university, others have entered the working world, and because of this they have become extremely inspirational role models for myself in all aspects of my life.

Now, almost a year later, this group of women are amongst some of the people I am closest with. My confidence around them and around others in my life has improved largely, a reflection that is also visible in them. Our strength lies in the fact that we are not afraid to be completely transparent and vulnerable with each other. 

Society, especially that of the youth, have become so insistent in maintaining an emotionless front, in order to remain secretive towards the outside world. A group of close, lifelong friends offer relief from this social norm that has seemingly developed. They are able to provide security and comfort in knowing that there is unconditional love and acceptance from a group of women that give the ‘no judgement’ advice, whether that be about a career move, relationship advice, or even what to wear to our next event. Whilst there may be topics that are evaded around family in order to avoid offending them a group like this creates an environment in which every topic can be approached.

The relationship between our habits of relying on social media to check up on friends, and societies’ increasing sense of alienation only makes these real-life friendships and interactions all the more important to maintain. Though we are now scattered across the UK, our group has never felt closer. It is obvious that this physical distance between us has made us appreciate the way we empower each other even more than we did before. We’ve continued to make the effort to see each other as much as we can, and our connection has only benefited.

Not every woman needs a ‘girl squad’ like this. Whilst it’s a nice idea to think of every woman across the world having that significant group in their lives to laugh with, cry with and, of course, holiday with – not every woman necessarily wants that. What matters isn’t how many women make up your network, it’s that you find the women and environment in which you feel the most comfortable.

What matters is that you find the women that empower you.

Thank you for reading!



Saturday 20 July 2019

Has Pride become another opportunity to cash in?

Source: hellomagazine.com

Last month, rainbows took over the globe. Whether that be flags in shop windows, or the rainbow packaging of your favourite cereal, the presence was undeniable.

Welcome to Pride month.

This is the month where LGBT+ communities across the world join together and celebrate the anniversary of the Stonewall Inn riots members of the LGBT+ community stood up for their right to attend the bars and clubs open to them.

Since, the parade has gained more and more support, popularity and momentum. And now not only are members of the public enjoying the festivities alongside charities, representatives, diplomats and advocacy groups, they’ve also been joined by corporations.

This year companies like Boohoo, Primark and Apple advertised their brands as full supporters of the LGBT+ community. M&S created the LGBT+ BLT and Ralph Lauren even managed to bag themselves their own filter on Snapchat. But isn’t Pride supposed to mean more than slapping a bit of avocado in a sandwich?

Essentially, we are now in an era where corporations are practically jumping at the opportunity to rebrand themselves according to every movement we arrive at in the calendar, whether that be Black History Month, International Women’s Day, or even National Wine Day in order to appear as woke as possible. What bigger opportunity do they have to do this than Pride month?

The way this works is each sponsoring and partnering company pours their money into the Pride movement in the agreement that they will get their place in the parade.

Source: vox.com

In recent years especially, the Pride movement has become far more political in the UK. The Conservative party have remained working closely with the Democratic Unionist Party, known for their homophobia, disregard for women and opposition towards abortion. Yet the Tories do not hold back from praising themselves for legalising same sex marriage.

Evidently the politics are there.

That brings together two key elements that are unquestionably marketable: LGBT+ rights and political criticism. Each brand that slaps a rainbow on their logo or introduces a new flavoured product to vouch for the LGBT+ community is automatically entered into the game of protesting, therefore boosting the number of consumers who are likely to respond to them and then go on to buy from them. Its simply a case of increase the market, increase the profits.

Sure, raising awareness is cool, but these brands need to be letting the public know what exactly it is that they do for the LGBT+ community. Are they working with any companies that don’t favour the LGBT+ people? How many people at the top of the company identify as LGBT+?

Before Pride becomes entirely bureaucratic and commercialised, perhaps these big brands should re-evaluate what they’re really giving back in return for that place in the parade.

Thank you for reading!


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